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5 tips to overcome shyness

Foto do escritor: Teacher MarianaTeacher Mariana

I know speaking in public (mainly in another language) can be so challenging for many. But there are some techniques which may help a lot.

Here are 5 of them. Hope they are useful. Let me know if they work for you.


1. Actor Method

Create a persona to speak English "for you". While speaking, imagine you are playing the role of a character, someone from an English speaking country, a teacher, an actor or actress. 

2. Your Own Cheerleader

Instead of antecipating negative remarks from people, imagine they are all your own cheerleaders, and they are all cheering on you as you speak! Some actually ARE supporting you in real life, bear that in mind. 

3. Self-consciousness is not your friend

Seriously! Stop o-v-e-r-t-h-i-n-k-i-n-g your production. Others are shy too. Others make mistakes too. A conversation on sports, weather or whatever is not the right moment to be thinking of yourself as a learner. Common! 

4. Don't hesitate

Sometimes we wonder. Sometimes we do not have all answers. Life goes on. You will know what to reply...but not always. Nevertheless, the conversation cannot abruptly stop because of that. Be sincere about how you feel, ask other questions, change the topic...but just do not get stuck.  

5. Speak like a caveman or cavewoman

If people are here to make fun of you, sorry to say that, but they are NOT your people. Ignore them. Do not mind them AT ALL. People who you should care about care about you as well and appreciate your tentatives and braveness. Do not overrate opinions which come from people you barely know. Instead of thinking of fancy or complex sentence to impress, try just to deliver a message.

You can do it! You are da best!

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